Thursday, November 6, 2008


ok. this is blogger.
This is my new blog.
and its been something i've been wanting to do since eternity.
started on Diaryland. then friendster. now finally. Blogger.
Lets start with something simple.
the title of the blog.
The search for I and I, cannot be simply compromised. its a never ending quest. a never ending search to find out who you really are in the society that shapes you. the society that moulds you. the seeds that are planted into your brain since you were a kid. Many have tried, but it is just way too impossible.
the link of the blog.
Well, simply, what you see is what you get. its just martin. the la was added in for a singaporean feel. plus the fact that itsjustmartin.blogspot had been taken up already.

One thing for sure is this, dont expect much pictures or video until i finally learn how to upload them. yes. i am a noob at this. instead, expect random lyrics from places and me and lots more about my days as another average guy in Singapore.


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