Following choir was dinner at white sands where we ate the prawn chee cheong fun. The kind where its not a thick sweet sauce but a light soya sauce kinda base. and i can only say that i love it. nothing more.
Also found out that my PSP has been repaired - the left toggle button malfunctioned - but i have NOOOOOOOOOOO MONEY TO GET IT BACK. fishcakes.
And while we are at the topic of money, I really need to start saving up for an upcoming gundam model that I wanna get. Its not out yet at the anime stall that i always get my Gundam items from. And ITS DRIVING ME KABLOOEYPOOEYDOOLYDOO. Here's a picture of it. From Gundam 00, Cherudim Gundam.

It's pretty cool with the whole Gun weaponary. SEXY. Can't Wait. And for those who don't already know. I AM A GUNDAM FREAK! lol.
OH. and today i went to try to find my 3 dollar all black cheap slipper. AFTER SUCH A TOUGH TIME AT THIS SHOP, I finally got it. Only to realise when i got back home, that both me and the shope owner has lost $2.50.
WTF CAN?!?!!??! its like a combo of two mistakes by the sales guy. TWO RIGHT SIDED SLIPPERS OF TWO DIFFERENT SIZES. he'll probably get sacked tomorrow. LOL.
Ya. And the new econs topic of the AD/AS models is pretty chim. stress. HAHAHA.
Suddenly today i tought to myself this again. That the happiest people in the world are beggers. They can be themselves, they can stay true to their beliefs. They don't have to steal, they don't have to suffer the scrutiny of not compromising to the expectations of life. Yes, they do suffer from all sorts of illnesses and diseases. But like them, we normal people will eventually die. But ultimately, it is them who sit down and laugh and the pace of modern society, the backstabbings and the betrayals, while they stay free from these sins and eventually die knowing that at least they didn't have to live a life like us. But then again, if only they knew. The search for I and I. Until the day where we all can see again.
Well, i guess that's all, till tomorrow, CIAOOOOOO!
p.s. - exchange between Gary and Victoria and Samantha and me.
Gary - (to Sam who was peeling Rafia string for fun) Hey that looks like a Man-of-War. (the jellyfish)
Victoria - I thought is Prisoner of War.
Me - It's a Man-Of-War LAH DUMBO!!!!
Gary - Ya, a Portugese Man-Of-War.
Me - NO LA. Japanese Prisoner of War.
Hey about the jelly fish thing, it just slipped my mind ok? lol anw it was i who said portugese-man-of-war in the end... lol I bet i know more about animals then u'll know lo... =p
ya. you're a geographist. and too bad it slipped ur mind. once its said, it is etched into reality.
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