ok that was lame. LOL. picture courtesy of my butt, kacheng, cousin, Amanda Leow. ;p ;p ;p. taken at Kallang Leisure Centre. Her IDEA. ;p ;p ;p. Just realise that this is the first pic of me on my blog. OMFG. CAMWHORE!!!! so here is the quote of the day that i just recalled. Gary said this a while back when I opened up my blog, and I told him I upload pictures onto a blog for the first time in my life.
Gary - "Martin. Do you camwhore on your blog."
Victoria, Samantha, Annabelle and me - "(Insert your wtf look or quote here.)
So now Gary, here is your answer. If one picture out of so many blogposts thus far is camwhoring, then I am guilty. ;p ;p ;p.
And BEFORE I FORGET, here is a quick advert for pineapple cakes from TAIWAN, that my aunty brought back.
Gary - "Martin. Do you camwhore on your blog."
Victoria, Samantha, Annabelle and me - "(Insert your wtf look or quote here.)
So now Gary, here is your answer. If one picture out of so many blogposts thus far is camwhoring, then I am guilty. ;p ;p ;p.
And BEFORE I FORGET, here is a quick advert for pineapple cakes from TAIWAN, that my aunty brought back.
Onto what I did today. Shopping. Made compulsary by my mum. She wanted me to get a new pair of berms and sports shoes, and at the same time... APPLY FOR MY DRIVING COURSE THEORY TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! My cousin followed me out and we went shopping together and travelled around in her car. After first stop, Parkway Parade, we accumulated this much worth of stuff.
Yes I know, its a lot. But look carefully, the shopping bags behind the Crumpler bag are hers. the ones after, are mine. Girls, sigh. LOL. ;p ;p ;p. notice the Tigger tail in the middle of the picture. My cousin bought, a Tigger, an Eyeore (is this how it's spelt?), and a Piglet. Amazing. and their all like 50cm long at least? LOL. HAHA AMANDA, don't kill me after you see this. And at the end, this was my loot.
Lunch was settled at Kallang's Pastamania.
But guess what. I didn't bring my IC. And I realized that at 4.18pm. thats half an hour wasted waiting like an idiot. and you had to pay by NETS, so either way, it was not my day. and this didn't help when the following happen.
Lady - "IC please."
Me - " Oh, SORRY, forgot to bring my IC"
Lady - HHHHHHUUUUUUHHHHHHHH????!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!"
Me - "Er (thinking, WTF?!), EZ link can?"
Lady - "Cannot. If not why you think I huh so loud."
Me, and later i found out that my cousin was thinking the same - "(WTF, BAD SERVICE CAN, STUPID OLD AUNTY. RECESSION AND RETRENCHMENT AROUND THE CORNER, STILL GIVE BAD SERVICE, DON'T WANT JOB ALREADY IS IT?! MOTHER TOO RICH AH?)" - but of course, this is a little exaggerated. ;p
So with a frustrated mind, I headed home in my cousin's car.
I don't get something also. Why do we all work so hard, and burn ourselves out, when in the end, we are all going to die. Why can't we all be equal.
Then I thought this. If one day, all the farmers in the world were to stop their food sales, wouldn't the world plunge into chaos? Wouldn't governments have to beg them to supply them the food. Cause even with arm force, the farmers can just burn off their crops. And plunge the world into a food recession. Then all of us will die. Hungry. Just like how the beggers would. Now you see why I say that beggers are the most happy people on Earth?
Now, I unveil to you, ARIOS GUNDAM!!!! ok. nope, i haven't bought it. But i'm waiting for it to come out in Jan. Take a look.

Till the next time,
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