Wednesday, November 26, 2008


"Cause it's a Bittersweet Symphony, this life..." - The Verve

Bittersweet refers to a combination of the standard tastes of sweetness and bitterness, and is often used as a metaphor for experiences which have elements of both happiness and sadness. - Wikipedia.

I love bittersweet stuff. For the first time today, I hated it. Later on, it was the best thing ever.

Been in a write-sy mood lately and I wrote this. check it out.

BitterSweet Moment

Something simple, something sweet.
That’s how you gave it to me.
The path that closes, that winds down narrow,
Leads to a greener pasture.
Falling from heights so high,
yet landing to find roses with a hand that gripped on tight.

Fear this no more that our hearts are torn.
But remember this isn’t feelings lost, but feelings born.
A smile, there lies, such beauty and innocence.
Lost to the heart, but etched into the mind.
Blood on a scar, washes away it’s ugliness.
And the last strand, left unbroken.

Spinning around in revolutions, small,
ripples on puddles from the rain.
Lamenting the beauty, secret shelter from pain.
Give the thieves your keys,
and they’ll unlock more than what you hoped to see.
Bittersweet moment, one time, last time.
Goodbyes are not forever.

Well, nothing much happened today in choir except that the conductor was a little pissed with me and two other friends. But a huge shoutout to Nigel who never fails to amaze me with his classic one liners. So, for him, here's the quote of the day

Nigel - "He's on a journey of self-discovery."
LOL. Private Joke. Ask me in person.

Heading to Batam with my family on Friday till Sunday. So yup. Till then,

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