Thursday, November 27, 2008
Just came off the phone with Wei Cheng who has been my best bud for 12 yrs now. And we started finding random things to rhyme with the word hell. And it was damn lame but funny.
Trade off between me and Wei Cheng.
-"This way to heaven, this way to hell."
-"This way to KFC, this way to taco bell."
-"This way to scream, this way to yell."
-"This way to Longkang, this way to well."
-"This way to buy, this way to sell."
-"This way to Compaq, this way to Dell."
-"This way to wax, this way to gel."
-"This way to hardcore match, this way to Hell in A Cell."
-"This way to ask, this way to tell."
Wei Cheng - "This way to fish, this way to eel." LOL. POWER LA CHENG!!!
And while i'm at that, I should also make the font small like those bloggers who do so. LOL.
So I hope you really SQUINTED your eyes.
And I really like the picture by the way.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
"My Curse pertains to the theme of dwelling on a passed loved one. The woman in the white dress in the field represents the man in black's life with her when he felt happy and free. The dark study is an embodiment of his depression after her death (To see you again/Dying, inside, these walls/ Dying,inside, these walls), and the books the man flips through throughout the video represent his memories of her. After her death, he dwells on her passing (I strain my eyes, hoping to see you again) and tries to find a way to be with her again (There is love burning to find you / Will you wait for me? / Will you be there?). Ultimately, his memories consume him; however, as his memories finally kill him, he is finally able to reunite with his love (And I see your face). The man's "curse" is that he is trapped in a life where he is unable to be with the woman he loves (This is my curse, the longing / This is my curse, time / This is my curse, the yearning)." - Wikipedia.
Here are the full lyrics of the song.
I watched you walk away
Helpless, with nothing to say
I strain my eyes
Hoping to see you again
This is my curse (the longing)
This is my curse (time)
This is my curse (the yearning)
This is my curse
There is love burning to find you
Will you wait for me?
Will you be there?
Your silence haunts me
But still I hunger for you
This is my curse (the wanting)
This is my curse (time)
This is my curse (the needing)
This is my curse
There is love burning to find you
Will you wait for me?
Still I want
And still I ache
But still I wait
To see you again
Dying, inside, these walls.
And I see your face in these tears? In these tears
And I see your face...
There is love.
I love bittersweet stuff. For the first time today, I hated it. Later on, it was the best thing ever.
Been in a write-sy mood lately and I wrote this. check it out.
BitterSweet Moment
Something simple, something sweet.
That’s how you gave it to me.
The path that closes, that winds down narrow,
Leads to a greener pasture.
Falling from heights so high,
yet landing to find roses with a hand that gripped on tight.
Fear this no more that our hearts are torn.
But remember this isn’t feelings lost, but feelings born.
A smile, there lies, such beauty and innocence.
Lost to the heart, but etched into the mind.
Blood on a scar, washes away it’s ugliness.
And the last strand, left unbroken.
Spinning around in revolutions, small,
ripples on puddles from the rain.
Lamenting the beauty, secret shelter from pain.
Give the thieves your keys,
and they’ll unlock more than what you hoped to see.
Bittersweet moment, one time, last time.
Goodbyes are not forever.
Well, nothing much happened today in choir except that the conductor was a little pissed with me and two other friends. But a huge shoutout to Nigel who never fails to amaze me with his classic one liners. So, for him, here's the quote of the day
Nigel - "He's on a journey of self-discovery."
LOL. Private Joke. Ask me in person.
Heading to Batam with my family on Friday till Sunday. So yup. Till then,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It's OFFICIALLY COMPLETED. I'VE DONE THE FIRST SONG PROPERLY! ;p ;p ;p. I got the full tune out and re-edited the lyrics a bit. Comments so far have been positive. So ya. If you wanna hear it, give me a shoutout on the tagboard with your email. ;p
Here is the updated lyrics.
I Never Knew
This is a song for you.
A confession. From me.
I never knew love was like this,
I never knew that I could love.
I never knew this feeling,
let alone this thought, of you in my thoughts.
But I hope it would last.
And somehow this would be the best thing that happened to me.
And it makes me wonder,
If I should ever ponder about the things you said.
Things that make this feel great.
Cause if I were torn asunder,
It would be alright with you here.
Cause I never felt so brave.
I never knew that this could happen,
I never knew I could feel this way.
I never knew someone like you existed,
in this world of pain, my heart calls out your name.
But alas, a wondrous call.
From you, to me.
And it makes me wonder,
If I should ever ponder about the things you said.
Things that make this feel great.
Cause if I were torn asunder,
It would be alright with you here.
Cause I never felt so brave.
I pour out to you, (all that I am)
A realization, that I never knew.
Today was a rather moody day for me. Didn't really enjoy myself so much today. Had dinner at Subway with Pei Hsin, Xioa Hui and Angelica. I didn't even want to eat. Thats about pretty much the thing that has happened today.
OH I forgot to update this. Remember the Arios Gundam I said I wanted to get? and the mystery item? It's been revealed.

Till next up,
Monday, November 24, 2008
Well this whole post is actually bout Saturday. LOL. Yes I know, super late, but still, it's better than nothing. Long post with pictures I took at the AFA 08 held in Singapore. Or rather known as the first ever anime convention held in Singapore. ;p ;p ;p.
So after signing up for the driving test, it was straight off to the AFA08 with Angelica, Pei Hsin and her friend. ;p ;p ;p. And the main attraction to me. GUNDAM!!!! The first thing I saw upon entering was the 1/100 00 Gundam and the 1/144 Seravee Gundam, which was JUST launched in Japan. I was drooling. They had the BAKUC challenge and to me, the following picture demonstrates one sexy modelling of Destiny Gundam.
The Cosplaying was everywhere. And I was being retarded with Jelly while waiting in this MASSIVE queue for Gundam stuff. The following content is just plain retardedness.
Introducing, A cosplayer from the Health Promotion Board. CARROTMAN!
There was also a cosplayer from the Singapore Courtesy Campaign who was performing behind us in the queue. He obviously is one whacked up dude. Here's an extract of his "performance".
Guy on the phone - " Yes, may I know why you called this number 3 times." "If you didn't call, why would I have YOUR NUMBER on MY PHONE, listed as a MISSED CALL." "My name is (can't remember), why would you need my name for?" "Can you not talk to me RUDELY, ESPECIALLY since I took the COURTESY to call you back to check why you called." "Ok, next time, when SOMEBODY takes his or her time off to CALL YOU BACK, please talk to the person NICELY, not be RUDE. THANK YOU."
There was also somebody cosplaying the girl from "Princess Hours" aka "Gooong".
lol. ok, i'm stopping the retardeness here. LOL.
Here are some cool cosplays.
Also saw someone cosplay GUNDAM EXIA!!!!!! ;p ;p ;p. Couldn't get a picture though. );
After AFA, we decided to take a snack at Suntec and we had Auntie Anne's where i had Cinammon Raisin which I LOVE!!!!!!
HERE IS THE LOOT OF THE DAY! Gundam 00 posters. ;p ;p. Revoltech Lazengann from Gurren Lagann and Optimus Prime in white at a price of $30 which is a HUGE BARGAIN. ;p ;p ;p. AND LASTLY, A NEW GUNDAM GAME FOR MY PSP ;p ;p ;p ;p ;p ;p. LOL.
HAHA. Nothing much happened today as in Monday. So no update bout today. HAHA.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things, habits, little known facts about yourself.
People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things, habits and little known facts as well as stated by the rules clearly.
At the end, you need to choose 10 names to do this.
001. I am actually really sexy. LOL.
002. I wish that someday, I can become a ROCK GOD. ;p
003. I play all sorts of genres of music on my classical guitar.
004. Im obsessed with GUNDAM. lol. quite apparent.
005. Im very very hyper.
006. In my next life, i want to be a bird.
007. Im terrified of retards who like me. OK, i'm so running out of ideas.
008. I care for what life would be.
009. I wanna go to the Maldives.
010. I criticize way much more than Ruth can imagine.
Okay so the ten people i choose..
- The first 10 people to see this.
What a waste of time. ;p
Saturday, November 22, 2008
"This, is a story. A story of love. Found and lost by an unsuspecting victim falling into its entirety. It wasn’t much to bear, it wasn’t much to handle. Yet he never knew its implications. But this wasn’t the story that he planned out or envisioned. It was a story fuelled by heartaches and sorrows, loneliness and passion, life and death. Stephen Edgar was his name. Wilhelmina Harper was hers. Blinded by themselves and others. A tragedy, and the questioning of loves true value, “The Love of Life”."
Haha. There you go. A sneak preview. The current stage i'm at now is lyric writing and music composition. The storyline is completed and if you want to know, there are two more characthers, Michael Deed and Julia Tiffins. There might not be a script, depending on the amount of time I have. I have about 5 songs to do, as many songs i've written before can fit into the storyline just nice. So far i'm proud to say, i've completed one. So, here it is.I Never Knew
This is a song for you.
A confession. From me. To you.
I never knew love was like this,
I never knew that I could love.
I never knew this feeling,
But I hope it would last.
And it makes me wonder,
If I should ever ponder about the things you said.
Things that make this feel great.
Cause if I were ever torn asunder,
It would be alright with you here.
Cause I never felt so brave.
I never knew that this could happen,
I never knew I could feel this way.
I never knew someone like you existed,
But alas, a wondrous call.
And it makes me wonder,
If I should ever ponder about the things you said.
Things that make this feel great.
Cause if I were ever torn asunder,
It would be alright with you here.
Cause I never felt so brave.
All of my love, (all that I have)
I pour out to you, (all that I am)
This is now or never.
A realization, I never knew.
That I love you.
Till the next update,