Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I have lost this dark fire.
The dark abyss that swallowed the sick feeling I created time and again.

A change I made,
A change too wrong.
Smiling for people,
smiling for me.

I needed a different outlet,
and I fell into a wrong one.

Fuck what I have become.
A victim to petty emotions.
A victim to feelings.
A weak and lowly measle.
A broken self.

My heart,
I broke out from its coldness.
I broke out from its stone of protection.

A change I know seek.
To socialise again with hatred,
bitterness and sorrow.
So that when I open the weakened eyes,
the world would burn in flames,
blackest than the devil's breath.

For mine is not pain.
Mine is anger in its purity.
I shall not seek comfort.
I shall turn away your lying smiles.
I will rise above the adversity that tempts,
that weakens me.

I shall live to seek,
seek to find.
To find a reason,
to let the ember rage into an inferno,
to a manifestation of fear and hatred.
And at last this conflagaration tear apart all ties,
disintegrating you into ashes and cries.

I will hate to live,
live to hate.
This is my curse.
My burden.
My damn right strength.


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